Thursday, November 19, 2009

Network problem urgent help needed?

me an my friend have taken a 256 kb broad band. we both r sharing it. he is using it in his laptop using usb cable connected to the router and i am using it in my pc using dsl network adapter connected to the same router.

but when ever he is downloading anything my internet get disconnected. in spite of slow down its completely disconnected.

and the general ip address is replaced by junk ip address.

is there any networking boosting or network error correcting software available(like ip correction, renew ip, network booster, or software use for browsing in 2 computer simultaneously etc). how can i be on always? do i need to change router settings?

my isp provider is very reluctant so no meaning of complaining them. anyway i complained them few days back but they still didn't send anyone to look.

Network problem urgent help needed?
you guys need to slow down.

disconnect the router and both computers

DECIDE which computer is gonna be the boss.

Plug the boss into the modem and get on the internet.

put the router setup CD in the boss.


when the CD tells you to plug in the router.

now your router and 1 computer are connected.

plug computer 2 into the router and run "network setup"


some wireless setups require the connections to be bridged

bridge your wired and wireless connections if nescesary

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