Friday, November 13, 2009

Windows Network mapping?

. How do I shut this down or take my computer out of this network? Also I read mapping network drives the option I get when right clicking one of these "networks " I can use to "map shared drives and shared folders. When you access a shared drive or folder you can also access subfolders if you have the appropriate permissions However, you cannot map a drive for a subfolder that is not explicitly configured as a shared resource." Too bad mapping network drives option is disabled on each one. I think I didn't configure my C drive and D drive by now to not share any files. No folder's properties have their share this folded box ticked on them but for some reason I don't have the appropriate permission to access any of these networks to view them but I think its working the other way around the other side of that network can browse me. How can I disable these workgroups or enable myself permission to view whats inside of them-thanks

Windows Network mapping?
I suppose you're asking how to get out of the Toros group of computers. This could be a domain or a workgroup. The icon is not specific to what grouping it's in. Either way, changing it is the same:

1) Log on as an admin

2) Navigate to Start/Settings/Control Panel and click Network Connections

3) Select Advanced/Network Identification from the menu

4) To take it out of Toros, you need to set the workgroup to something else. You'll be prompted for an administrator password (for a domain admin) if you are taking it out of the domain...

If you don't want to see network neighborhood, simply disable and stop the service "Computer Browser." There are much better ways to secure the computer, such as deinstalling NetBIOS, but that wasn't the question. Anyway, when you disable "Computer Browser" in services.msc, you will no longer see those other groups.

To verify if you have any network shares on your local computer, go to Start/Run and type Cmd. Then type net share. It will list your shares. Most likely, you are sharing your admin shares at the minimum. That's a security no-no if you don't want to get hacked... It's easy to disable that by editing the registry under HKLM/SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\L...

and setting AutoShareWks and AutoShareServer to 0.

You cannot get permission to view workgroups unless you own the computers where they reside. That's up to their administrator to allow you to access them. Now, having said that, they are easy to hack. I won't teach you that and will caveat that by saying that "if it's not yours, don't touch it." Just disable and stop the "Computer Browser" service and you won't have to see them any more.


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