Friday, November 13, 2009

Wireless network-Sharing files and folder help....?


We have 3 laptops in our home.we use a secured wireless network connection to the router which is used to connect to all three laptops are connecting to the internet via same wireless we need to share files and folders among ourselves.

I tried by right clicking the folder ---%26gt; clicking sharing and security

----%26gt; Checking Share this file in the network.its getting shared(i'am

getting a hand symbol holding the folder icon).but when i go My network place --- %26gt;Entire network ---%26gt;Microsoft windows Netork ---%26gt; Click%26lt;work group name%26gt; windows is throwing some error message "%26lt;work group name%26gt; is not accessible .You might not have permission to use this network the administrator of this server to fond out if you have access permissions.The list of servers of this workgroup is not

currently available" we have different computer names and the same workgroup name.the workgrp and netwrk name are same.plz help me out to solve this.thx in adv

Wireless network-Sharing files and folder help....?
Sound like you have a computer browser problem. Try disabling the browsing service:

start-%26gt;admin tools-%26gt;services and stop the 'computer browser' service on all computers, then try again. (see attached link)

This should allow you to view the workgrou[p, you will still have to configure local users to access the shares.

Reply:Dear first make same workgroup environment for all 3 laptop. Right click My computer, than properties, than computer name and define same workgroup to all 3 laptops.

Some time firewall is making big problem to share file in same workgroup environment. So disable the firewall for temporary and check again. If it will not work than you have to restart you computers.
Reply:First of all, make sure all computers have the same OS. For instance, you will likely have problems if one computer has XP, one has 98, and one has Windows ME.

Second, you will probably have to run the network set up wizard.

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