Friday, November 13, 2009

Wireless Network Problems - Wireless Laptop Shows Strong connection with network but will not upload data?

I have a wirless laptop which I am trying to connect to a wireless network in a new house I have moved in to.

The existing people in this house have no problem using the internet.

I have no problem connecting to the network using the network password and it shows that my network signal is strong.

However when I open up internet explorer to open up a web page no information is downloaded to the page and it stays blank.

I have had no problems in the past using other wireless networks.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Wireless Network Problems - Wireless Laptop Shows Strong connection with network but will not upload data?
check bytes sent %26amp; received...

there could be problems with Wifi communication...


what you need to do is throw out the laptop, and buy a desktop and hook it up with a wire, not wireless

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